Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Oracle Managed File Transfer (MFT) custom callouts

Originally posted at TMNS Blog

This week I was doing some proof of concept with Oracle Managed File Transfer and exploring in more detail one of its advanced features: custom callouts.
Callouts allow you to execute transfer pre­ and postprocessing. There are some callouts out­-of-­the-­box for compression, decompression, encryption and decryption. The interesting thing however, is that you can build your own custom callouts. Oracle provides some samples on how to build callouts on the MFT website, see bit.ly/learnmft for details.


Based on the RunScriptPre_01.zip provided by Oracle, I started by developing a similar callout, but to be used in the Target­post action. Below are some high­level steps on how to do that and a link to the zip file containing all the information you need to test by yourself:
  1. Create a java class (RunScriptPost.java) that implements the oracle.tip.mft.engine.processsor.plugin.PostCalloutPlugin interface
  2. Compile the class, package it in a jar file (RunScriptPost.jar) and copy to $DOMAIN_HOME/mft/callouts/
  3. Create a callout definition file (RunScriptPost.xml) to describe the callout
  4. Run the createCallouts WLST command (createCallout.py) to configure the callout in MFT
Once you complete the steps above, the callout will be available in your MFT Design to be selected in the “add post­processing actions” screen of your Transfers.
Check the README.txt file for a detailed description on how to deploy, configure and test it.
Download: RunScriptPost


After creating the RunScriptPost, I decided to build a second callout to call an auditing web service. I started by defining a service interface for a generic auditing service that could be implemented by anyone that needs to do logging or auditing of the transfers managed by MFT. With the interface available, I’ve created a client jar file with the web service client and created a sample implementation for the service using SOA Suite. Finally, I created 2 callouts, one for Pre Auditing and another for Post Auditing. The steps to create the callout were the same as described above and the result you can get from the link below. Check the README.txt file for details on how to use it.
Download: GenericWSAudit
I hope this can help you to understand how MFT callouts work. Moreover, I expect you can immediately take advantage of the callouts I wrote during this POC.

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